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August Updates
26 Aug 2022 | 1 minute read | 267 reads
We hope everything is going well! We just want to tell you about some of our exciting updates to the platform - making your experience so much better.

As a merchant you can now set up your own referral programme to boost awareness of your rewards programme. It's as simple as enabling the feature in your settings, creating a rewardable, and publicizing your campaign code. All the patrons have to do is use your campaign code when referring someone else.

We have given you full control of your spend on Ubuntu Rewards with a wallet feature. All you have to do is top-up your wallet and you only get charged for what you use. You can see full details of the pricing on our pricing page ( https://www.ubunturewards.club/pricing ).

Patron Insights
We are always trying to find the most useful ways to present you with insights into your reward programme. On your patrons page we have added some general insights as well as the ability to drill down into a specific patron to see how they are using your service.

It's been quite an eventful month, but that's all for now. Again, we thank you for using our service as we continue to build an amazing product. 🙌

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